cempaka surakusumah's profile

The Shapes of Emotion

Unknown Asia Art Exchange 2019 Osaka, Japan
The Shapes of Emotions 

When thinking about a flower, what comes to your mind? Is it the petals? The leaf? The colors? These visible details can help visualize an object. But how do you visualize an emotion? It does not have physical features, but can certainly be felt. Transforming these experiences into basic shapes is a way to explore emotion visually. My works mainly have always been exploring the theme of human feelings. This exhibition is an attempt to connect with my anxiety towards communicating.


Creating artworks in this way, to me, is a form of visual therapy. I can channel the suppressed emotion that I can't express through words. Emotions are pictured into abstract compositions of geometrical shapes, where each composition portrays specific emotions that I felt on the time of the making. The therapy began by listening to musical composition almost repeatedly until I drift into a state of mindfulness, and letting the harmony of the music guide me on making abstract forms. To me, this mechanism is therapeutic, especially since I also mixed embroidery into the media. Exploring abstract forms and embroidery give me the same therapeutic effects.


In this exhibition, I visualize a spectrum of emotions through 2 main compositions of basic shapes. "Contradiction of Emotions" portrays the opposing state of emotion. And if "Happiness is Freedom" is the depiction of being honest, what is happiness to you? Like puzzle, you need to connect each piece to see the bigger picture of what happiness
means to yourself. Through these two pieces, I am able to say many things, without the fear of being judged on why I feel what I feel. Thus making the whole process of creating these compositions, a therapy itself.


The Shapes of Emotion

The Shapes of Emotion

Unknown Asia 2019 Art Exchange Exhibition Osaka, Japan
