Drywall & Dust
Beaumont, TX - 9/25/19
Wreckage and heirlooms share the same space cluttered around the water damaged houses in Beaumont, TX.
While the outsides of most houses seem less than harmed, walking inside shows a different story.
While the damage may seem minimal to the naked eye, every square inch of the houses affected will have to be replaced or restructured in time.  The damage from flooding has caused structural integrity loss and comes at a high cost to home owners.
Floors and walls are torn out and thrown away as they are now useless or in the way of repair.
There's no room for slackers on site, luckily, MDR is always ready to work hard.  Drywall is ripped away and 2x4's are all that remain.
Mark Namey, the Membership Coordinator for MDR, gets to business cutting away at drywall in a homeowner's restroom.
Dust and debris flies everywhere.  Not an inch of the homes being worked on is clean of drywall and dirt.
Eric Burkes begins another day of Disaster Relief with morning meetings.  There are hundreds of homes that require help in Beaumont, TX.

Find out more:
Drywall & Dust


Drywall & Dust

Photos of the Minuteman Disaster Response team working in Beaumont, TX after flooding.


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