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Student Project: Final Presentation

Final Presentation
This project was a video presentation that wraps up several other projects and proposes training to a simulated company called Tellotech. The video gave an overview of the training proposal and showcased the media asset prototypes. The learning outcomes were: develop a video presentation, propose a learning solution package based upon the training needs assessment, and participate in a community of practice to share concepts with peers. The video presentation could have been edited better, but the content was exactly what was needed. The target audience for this was the Tellotech executives, with the purpose of explaining the value of my proposal.
This is from the first draft of the video presentation.
The teacher feedback recommended stepping away from the wall and put more of myself in the frame of the video, as well as cutting in the media assets rather than holding up physical copies. The peer feedback recommended adding in what the evaluation of the training will be.
Corporate training is much more involved than classroom teaching. Most teachers, especially those working in K-12, will teach mainly pre-determined material and repeat this material year after year. With corporate training, every lesson will be created to fit the specific needs of that particular corporation. Corporate training allows for a lot of freedom and creativity, but requires the instructional designer to know a lot of information and have a lot of skills.
This is the full video presentation.
Student Project: Final Presentation

Student Project: Final Presentation
