Unipump — Conquering water

Unipump — conquering water
New identity for pumping equipment manufacturer

Unipump is a Russian company that designs, produces and sells pumping equipment. The company decided to enter new markets and needed a complete visual reload.

Our task was to create a clean and modern identity for the company. As part of the project, we created new brand positioning, logo, visual identity and packaging for Unipump.

The new brand positioning came to be the following: “Russian company. International technologies. Global presence”. Despite being simple, it totally changed company’s tone of voice because its Russian character and background was prioritized. Client’s specialists did an enormous job to prove that Russian technologies were something to take pride in.

The first letter of company’s name transformed into a minimalistic brand sign. Its inverse outline looks exactly like a water drop. The logo is also easily scalable and could be visible even on the tiniest parts and joints.
Brand graphics are all about the idea of conquering water. Just like water itself, the brand pattern would take any shape but preserve uniqueness. Brand icons are also based on the wave pattern.
Made by Plenum CX.

Project team:

Ilya Lazuchenkov Managing Partner
Pavel Nesterenko Head of Client Relations
Egor Myznik Creative Director
Anna Bolshakova Art Director
Anna Fedorova Brand Strategist
Andrey Konstantinov Analytic
Nikolay Dyomin Designer
Mikhail Lazukhin Designer
Sergey Lyakhovich Project Manager
Unipump — Conquering water

Unipump — Conquering water

Unipump — conquering water New identity for pumping equipment manufacturer Task “Unipump” is a Russian company that designs, produces and sel Read More
