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What is the Meaning of Love? Know Yourself!

What is the Meaning of Love? Know Yourself!

Are you in love? Are you looking for symptoms and what is that actual feeling that made you land here? Several people talk differently about this feeling. Some say it is more like an addiction; some call it as a thirst. And hence no single philosopher has ever given a perfect definition of love. And there are masses like us who are direly looking for questions like what is the meaning of love?

Love knows no boundaries. Love knows no religion; as love in itself is called a different religion.

Understand what the meaning of love is?

A physical connection? Where a group of people suggest that you a very passionate bodily contact is called love. Though I feel that love is not the connection of bodies but two loving souls, it is not about the lust of physical desires but of happiness and care.

What Constitutes Love?

We are born to love by very existence, and henceforth, we are bound to fall in love with many. But once you are in love, the possibilities to like other individual is almost a difficult thing to do. Love constitutes of feelings where you now and then would love to be surrounded by your loved one. And as to be a fact, missing your loved one evokes symptoms of fever and nausea. So to be true!

What is the true meaning of love?

Love, to be honest, is not to be defined in words, and no one can ever plan to fall in love. It’s an instant feeling that grows with time unplanned. It is called to happen with the most uncertain person at the most unpredictable time. You can never plan to fall in love. The warmth of hands, the smell of their neck starts attracting you towards the person you love. And the definition of love depends from person to person, and the whole universe believes that mother’s love is the purest form of love. Some people simply deny. Henceforth, there is a different meaning of love and life. One needs to understand and feel the emotion.

Are You In Love?

If you are reading this, you re surely in love or maybe you have just been hit by the cupid arrow and is unable to believe that this has happened with you. Obvious to say you have indeed started reading on love matters then how can you be not in love? You have already felt that passion in you and you want to be sure that you have found what the meaning of love is. No one can tell you, feel right about the stomach butterflies.

I hope all your questions are answered here in this article, congratulations on the newfound love. For any confusion, put your right hand on heart and listen to what tunes your heart play when you see your crush in front of you.
What is the Meaning of Love? Know Yourself!

What is the Meaning of Love? Know Yourself!

Are you in love? Are you looking for symptoms and what is that actual feeling that made you land here? Several people talk differently about this Read More


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