Design Narrative:
            In this poster project the challenge was to create a poster that was using a self-created font and pairing another typeface to compliment it. The type face that was created is called TICONDEROGA. The typeface displays tall, sharp lines and geometric shapes. The poster event that was created was for an architecture conference. To use an architecture conference was a perfect fit because the industry creates buildings by the use of lines and shapes to come up with artwork. The conference was based in New York City because the skyscrapers are designed for a purpose and a lot of architecture design goes into New York City buildings. The look of the city was how the creation of Sky View the name of the conference was born.
            The title of the event is in TICONDEROGA font. The type family that was used for the other print is Letter Gothic. This particular type family was very complimentary to the self-created type face because it was long, and skinny typeface. The colors that where used where black and green. Black was used because the outline of the buildings stood out and appeared to be crisp. The green was picked because the statue of liberty is green and is the focal point of New York City for the most part.
            The title for the events were rotated to a 90-degree angle. The method was used to connect the events with the design of the skyscrapers. The green was emerged in the text to ad cohesiveness and flow. The breakage in colors and type format was to give a person who looked at the poster a sense of direction and flow again. During the final formatting, the body text and the self-created typeface paired very well and portrayed the right message on the poster with the design.
Sky View

Sky View

Poster Design
