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Wish Application Challenge

Moonshot Enterprises – Anything you wish 

This is a UX/UI  challenge about a fictitious transportation company called “Moonshot” that also materializes wishes of individual commercialized product goods. 
 Each person can apply and wish for a product at Moonshot once a year, but only 5% of the people are eligible by Moonshot neural network. 
A person could  apply, for instance for the sports car or his/her dreams at Moonshot. Each person applies for their own wish, each a different commercialized product good, anything you can wish. 

Challenge requirements
- Moonshot needs a mobile application
- Users must be able to log in with their email address and password
- When inside the application, users must be able to answer some questions so Moonshot can know exactly the commercialized product good that they are wishing

The result
In this case I focused more in the initial questions because that would determine the the success of this application. Making the right questions without  involving the user in a long questionnaire. People don’t tend to invest a lot of time if they are not sure what they are getting at the end. So I decide make a simple and visual  survey. I get to the conclusion that to get to know people wishes you should determine 3 variables: 
- Interests
- Prioritization and needs
- Style

The main goal was to get this variables from the client in the very first on-boarding questions.
The UI and look and feel is inspired in the concept of space as this is related to the same con the company. Also It was to be considered  leisure application  like Moonshot is most likely to be used during the evening, so that is why I decided to go for a dark mode in most of the pages it also creates a sense of luxury and mysteriousness that I look forward for this particular project
Wish Application Challenge

Wish Application Challenge

A UX/UI challenge about "Moonshot" a teletransportation company that also materializes wishes of individual commercialized product goods!
