Aurelija Norkunaite's profile



"Neuromorphic Computing <..> by definition, is designed to replicate a human function: the function of the human brain". This illustration was drawn contemplating the ongoing storm of electrical impulses in my own head, the future of the humanity as a kind and the possibility of a silicone consciousness. ​​​​​​​I read a lot and books often reflect in my illustrations. When Fresco was released I was spending hours on my couch reading Michio Kaku's "The Future of The Mind". I learned about science's attempt to understand the brain, the ambitious Brain Project and a mind-blowing yet possible future where our consciousness could travel through cosmos to distant planets as a code encrypted in a laser beam.  

Illustration "Neuromorphic" // 2019 // Made in Adobe Fresco
I would describe illustration as Wondering, Altered and ComplexThough, it had a simple goal, to explore Adobe Fresco, it happened to capture my mood and recent experiences as well.  Besides Kaku's book another great influence came from the  painting "Lactose Tolerance" (2017) by artist Chloe Wise, who's art I saw in the local modern art museum, and to which I felt somewhat way closely related to. Follow the link to see her art.​​​​​​​
Background & Details
Above: details and the background of the illustration. Background was developed using brushes, combining 3 layers with different blending modes. The illustration took roughly 3 full work days to complete. However, with days-long gaps of leaving it aside and the unusually long "experimenting" with the background. I was really doubting my blending modes and had many "in-between" versions of the illustration which I would look through the next day to better understand, which one I preferred better. Below: detail from one of the other versions of "Neuromorphic".
Adobe Fresco // Use of brushes and layers in different blending modes.
Development of the Illustration // Differen mid-way versions of "Neuromorphic"
My "take away" on the app: In the end I was really fascinated with illustrative possibilities presented by Fresco and the huge advancement leap comparing it to Adobe draw. I got quite carried away with the brushes and "experimenting part" but I believe it was necessary in order to find my own way around it. There are 2 things I can say about Fresco - it is Great and it is New. There are corners to be polished, but in the app you have an option to leave your comments and suggestions for the improvement. Thank you Adobe! This is really cool! Below: a little video from the long time lapse. 


Illustration inspired by modern neuroscience and M.Kaku's book "The Future of The Mind"
