UI/UX + Interaction and visual design + consulting for an online movie producing community. 
1 - Sitemap
The sitemap was set-up to click to HTML wireframes which I coded. This helped to simplify & speed up the process & handoff to developers.
2 - Wireframe: My Resume
I produced a fully clickable HTML, CSS wireframe prototype of This is a screenshot of one of the wireframes.
3 - Visual design - User Portfolio
I also finalized the visual design for launch
4 - Profile sidebar modules specification
Note the different icons I drew by hand.
3 use cases for a user profile sidebar:
   1) View my own sidebar
   2) Edit my sidebar
   3) View another's sidebar
5 - Pitch Synopsis
On Massify users could "pitch" their film ideas to the entire network.
6 - Pitch sidebar modules specification

Massify was a professional networking & collaboration site for people who make films.
