I chose to create a series of dream-like images, combining photography and digital artwork, featuring a girl and a small school of koi to tell a story. 

In this sequence, I chose to focus on the aspect of color to create a dreamy, surreal landscape, namely using pinks, blues, whites. and slight hints of lime green. Additionally, I wanted to give a hazy or bleary-eyed feeling to the series, so by photographing the set at close range, I was able to achieve a shallow depth of field and slight graininess, thus generating focus and blur to the parts that I wished.

The set itself is made of a foam core base, glass marbles, transcluscent strips of vellum looped to create the feeling of grass, and fairy lights. The girl cutouts are white cardstock and transluscent vellum.
Meant to be viewed and read from top to bottom, right to left, the story is as follows: The girl sees the koi in the first image, meets them in the second, and converses with them in the third. In the fourth image, the fish appear to circle the girl, giving a feeling of them answering the girl back, and in the fifth and final image, the girl joins the koi on their journey.
Koi Girl

Koi Girl
