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Artificial Beauty Layered Typefaces


Artificial Beauty is a trapped flowers and leaves (plants) inside the thick terrariums. The fonts have 2 layers. First is the terrarium, second is the plants itself. The breakdown can be found below in the Font Display. "Artificial" here means fake, and "Beauty" refers to the plants. It means that in whole, it doesn't look natural at all. The plants might looks like a bunch of dried plants that has been plucked from someone's garden to achieve its aesthetic looks. It might also be a fake plants or preserved plants.

The concept for the typeface is Terrarium plantation. The geometric structure leaves out the impression of cubism. The plants inside the terrarium glass acts like a preserved plants leaving different possible meanings to it:

The climate change is getting worse which threatens the nature. All of the content inside the terrarium glass were once growing in the actual soil or trees. Though the beauty is preserved, there is no value to it if it stopped growing and trapped inside the fancy glass with no of nutrition to feed on to. Framed flowers or plants are popular among the generation today. This concept is to raise awareness on to save the plantations instead of damaging it.

Another meaning can be differed. The terrarium glass is where the plants can grow and act as its temporary or even permanent home. Due to damage of lands and infertility (e.g. deforestation and burning of the forest), the easiest way is to purchase a spacious container and some fertilization to grow the plants.

But for this assignment, the first argument fits the font title and design better. There will only be scattered plantations everywhere inside the terrarium glass without having its soil/coconut husks or rocks. The design will be conveyed more in the design process.
Art Movement

The art movement in this typeface uses both cubism and aestheticism. Cubism is used in creating the terrarium. It has irregular patterns which will create 3D shape. As for aestheticism, it is used to portrayed the nature itself. The content inside the glass are designed using charcoal brush to give that distinctions between the glass and the contents. The brush also gives shriveling effects of the plantations.
Anatomy of Artificial Beauty
Font Displays
Font previews for each 3 different fonts
Layer 1: Empty Terrariums
Layer 2: Nature (floral & leaves)
Layer 3: Combined Layers
These 3 different fonts can be downloaded here.
Artificial Beauty Layered Typefaces


Artificial Beauty Layered Typefaces

Assignment 2019
