Peter Ivanecky's profile

Mortar & Pestle Campaign (Omni International, 2019)

AD - "Results You Can See" - The mortar and pestle is put to the test against the Bead Ruptor Elite, with a split-screen demonstration of both methods performed in real time. In the end, the results speak for themselves. 
"Caveman" imagery was locked in early on as a short-hand for the antiquity, and implied brutishness, of the mortar and pestle. 
AD - "A Better Way" - Invoking the opening of Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" to highlight the old-school nature of using a mortar and pestle for sample preparation, Omni offers a more modern solution: the Bead Ruptor Elite. 
Mortar & Pestle Campaign (Omni International, 2019)


Mortar & Pestle Campaign (Omni International, 2019)

A multimedia advertising campaign for Omni International with the aim of convincing scientists to abandon the mortar and pestle method of prepari Read More
