
Large scale, pen illustration (Ross Edgely) 

Ran a marathon pulling a 1.4 tonne car, 'The World’s Strongest Marathon'
Climbed a rope the height of Everest (8,848m) 'The World’s Longest Rope Climb'
Ran 1,000 miles barefoot in a month carrying a 50kg backpack
Completed an Olympic Distance Triathlon carrying a 100lbs tree  
Swam over 100km across the Caribbean Sea pulling a 100lbs tree
Swam non-stop for 48 hours at the Commando Training Centre for the Royal Marines
Swam 2,000 miles around Great Britain in 157 days, The world's Longest Staged Sea Swim.
Ran 30 Marathons in 30 days.

'Get comfortable, being uncomfortable'


Large scale pen portrait illustration


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