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Internal links – Workhorse of SEO?

Internal links – Workhorse of SEO?
Are you still thinking “Why your website does not rank”? The internal linking of pages is very important to get ranks on SERP. They are used to increase the domain authority of the website. What are the internal links? These are the links that connect one page to another of the same domain. So, if you think that your website lacking internal linking, do refer digital marketing agency in Hyderabad to rank your website at the top.
Suppose one of your pages has got backlinks from a website having high domain authority, then you can connect that page to other pages to pass on the link juice. This connection can be done through internal linking of the pages. Along with the linking, the content within the website plays a major role. It is like a cheese within mousetrap. Also, click on the link and find how readability score affects the ranking of the page. Sanbrains, one of the digital marketing companies in Hyderabad offers services like content marketing services, PPC services, email marketing etc. 
Is it possible to cater all the needed information on a single page? No, then how can we lend information to our readers? That easiest way is through the internal links.  By doing so, we are helping the readers not to search here and there but just click on the internal links given on the same page and find out the information. This will not distract the reader’s attention and save their time as well which in turn increase our on-page time. 
This is the strategy used by many top-ranking websites. Even Wikipedia follows the same technique. The internal links to a page give the web crawler an idea about the importance of the page. We hope you must have got the importance of internal links for a website to get ranked. 
Have you realized how important internal links are? We know that web crawlers consider many factors while ranking the website.  We have to concentrate on many things to make our website the best. Indeed, content is the king but the king cannot achieve without its helpers. In the same way, internal linking is like a helper that can make you reach on the top. Internal linking is used to connect the web pages of the same domain. 
The Anchor text internal linking plays major role. To get the rankings, we should ensure that all the pages are interlinked with each other. Web crawlers go through pages and gather information from it and rank them according to the validity of the information provided there. Internal linking structure guides the crawler and helps it to know what kind of information is given and to which field the website is related. Therefore, never ignore the importance of internal links within your website.
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Internal links – Workhorse of SEO?

Internal links – Workhorse of SEO?


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