Advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology

Many of the applications of biotechnology are beneficial for humanity, but they generate controversy regarding the consequences on human and animal health, environmental impacts and on society. The truth is that its long-term effects are still unknown. Next, we list a set of advantages and disadvantages of biotechnology.

Advantages of biotechnology

Increase in food production, mainly due to the possibility of ending hunger in the world.

Possibility of obtaining more nutritious foods with medicinal properties.

Therapeutic techniques for incurable diseases.

Production of medicines, in addition to antibodies and hormones such as insulin.

Use of bioremediation to control and eliminate environmental pollution.

Development of biodegradable products to reduce environmental pollution.

Disadvantages of biotechnology

Intensive use of agrochemicals and inorganic fertilizers.

Interference in the balance of nature.

Creation of infertile genetically modified seeds.

"Genetic contamination", since it is not possible to calculate the effects of the spread of genetically modified organisms in the environment.

GMO foods can cause allergies.

Ethical problems related to the cloning of living beings.

The production of stem cells produces cellular stress that can result in early aging.



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