Telia bubble
A space for you, even in the busiest places
Fig.1: outside and inside a Telia bubble
the problem
Starting point for this project was Telia’s request to reinvent telecom services in the physical space, where they don't have a defined spot anymore.

the research
Customer interviews and observations were the basis on which key customer needs where identified. Three personas were created, Kelly, Bob and Luke. Each of them has specific needs that are challenging to meet with their busy schedules or lack of financial resources. The persona sheets below illustrate these needs, together with relevant quotes that emerged from the interviews conducted. 
Fig.2: the customer needs identified among the target audience interviewed revolve around noise cancellation, a place to sit and work at, battery charging and a fast wi-fi connection (W.I.P.)
the concept
The most fitting concept to suit all selected customer needs was inventing a new private place that can fit in a variety of public settings, such as airports, malls etc... 
The Bubble offers a place to sit, work and isolate from the outside noise, with a wi-fi connection that is free of charge for Telia's customers and available for everybody else for a small fee. Fast battery chargers are the last feature of the Bubble and work in the same way as the wi-fi.
Finally. for the shape of the bubble I drew inspiration from Telia’s logo with its characteristic look and colour.
Fig.3: Telia bubbles in their possible locations (Stockholm's airport and central station respectively)
personal favourites
What I liked most of this project was the concept's simplicity and how consequential it was thanks to the process. Throughout this project, in fact, I was lucky enough to receive coaching from Transformator - a Swedish design agency now inglobated in Itch - and learn from them the ways of service design. Another point of pride was the clients' positiveness and enthusiasm about the concept. Telia saw in the bubble more than just a getaway from the city. The concept in fact was considered fitting for fairs and exhibitions, as a unique and immersive way for Telia to showcase their technology and products to current and potential clients.
Telia bubble

Telia bubble

Telia bubble is a small urban cocoon, a spot where the brand's customers can rest and enjoy a range of exclusive services to meet their needs
