Good Omens Fan Art!
Just to note, at the time when I drew these, I had no idea what Good Omens was all about, let alone the fact that there was a book and radio show about it! All I had was the Prime series to fill me in on the gaps as to what the story plot was all about!
Software used: Procreate on the iPad Pro; version being 12.9 2018 edition
Left; this was the first ever fanart that I did of Crowley and Aziraphale! I think I was using reference photos during my lunch break, just so that I can nail their facial structure.

Right; Now this one was based on the 6th episode where they "choose their faces wisely". I thought to myself, alright, but what if they were still switched and basically had to wear each others' clothing as a compromise until the effects wore off?
Left; I think of what started this idea was when Aziraphale said "Well I'll be! Godfathers!" and then my brain immediately went "FAIRLY ODD PARENTS?" and went on from there

Right; I was up at 1am to get this doodle sketch out of my system. There's honestly no context for this one.

Below; But this one has context; to not share too much (for those who have yet to see the show), in episode 5, Crowley goes through something really emotionally painful, so the idea here was that Aziraphale (not knowing 100% the cause of his partner's distress) tries to protect him from God knows what. Actually nah, She probably knows at that point. Sneaky.
Good Omens [Prime]


Good Omens [Prime]

Well, welcome to the End Times, my friends.
