3 Readers based on the history of Terrorism in Mumbai
Three Readers: First Image reader, Second Text based Reader and 3rd is a hybrid of the first two which is a large size folded zine opening into a poster. A collective research library on Terrorism in Mumbai: Is Religion greater than equality. The Image reader is a compilation of my image making using 150 found imagery. The Reader is a french fold book and tells the story of Mumbai through images, First section is the Bombay (Mumbai) a touristy side, Middle section changes to the unseen side of the city the terrorism and attacks which is a open french fold to showcase that the city is trying to detach these threads but somewhere they are the part, and last section is images talking about stop terrorism. Credits to the found imagery is given at the end. The second reader which is the text reader is a collective of 10 online articles, materials from books which talk about the city of Mumbai and how it all started. The Highlighted part is the gist of the story. If the reader just reads he orange section he is able to understand what it is all about. The layout is also not always straight and is screenshot from the source to show the where is it from. Both the readers are french folded and has an element of rawness to it which give it a human ness.
Research Readers

Research Readers

Mumbai Terrorism
