Killing the chair ... but can not kill...
I wonder if the act of killing an object can kill
the essence of it?
The moment we deny the essence of the chair,
we do not kill the chair.
Hee Barstool (designed by Hee Welling / HAY)
I wanted to prove that I could kill the outside through the distorting work, but eventually I could not kill the essence of the chair

Special thanks 
Hee barstool / designed by hee welling / HAY
goeun lee / sukyeong kim 
jay jaeyeon park / yeowool yoon
youngmin kang / icinn yo 
giseok hwang / yumi won / songe ahn
jiyoun kim / kitae kim / john jongheon park
sewon kim / yubin choi / sungmoo choi
jason kyungsun min / sangyeon nam
sungsook kim

Itaewon store of HAY
studio jiyoun kim
kangnam wework 
hyup shin 
4log studio
Directed by jimmy sungho park
Photo by @re_hyun
Poster by @luckyfrostedcornpuffs
Music by @covvblood
At @4log_artspace
Supported by @sfac2004 

Killing the chair

Killing the chair

I wonder if the act of killing an object can kill the essence of it? The moment we deny the essence of the chair, we do not kill the chair. Hee Read More
