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Wildfire awareness posters

Wildfires Awareness Posters
In summer 2019 Russia was blazing in the biggest wildfires yet. According to Greenpeace over 15 millions of ha of forest was burnt in Siberia. 

A few various causes are speculated: not property distinguished campfires and coverage of illegal logging. While the wildfires happen every year, the summer 2019 wildfires caused huge public resonance. 

At the end of July the government officials made a claim that it is not economically worth it to put out the fires. However, after a huge public and worldwide resonance the firefighting and military troops were sent to  fight the fires.

These posters were made to be shared on social media freely in order to raise awareness of the natural disasters that are extremely hurtful to the ecology and are preventable. 

The posters and GIF depict wildfire devouring the forest along with statements on the devastating results and ways to prevent the fires.
Font by Paul Coney at paulconley.works
Wall mockups by rawpixel.com
Wildfire awareness posters


Wildfire awareness posters

Free to use posters to raise awareness of the wildfire's danger
