Taking inspiration from Italian Renaissance painter Lorenzo Lotto's portraits Marsilio Cassotti and His Bride Faustina, the costume collaboratively designed and constructed by Jenny Kan and Giulia Gallon was showcased in the National Gallery, London. Lorenzo Lotto Portraits is an exhibition organised by the National Gallery in 2018. Wimbledon College of Arts and The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts presented an immersive costumed performance in the gallery's Late Friday Event, using the original portraits as backdrops.

UAL blog - Wimbledon Costume student Jenny Kan on designing for the National Gallery’s Lorenzo Lotto exhibition: https://www.arts.ac.uk/colleges/wimbledon-college-of-arts/stories/wimbledon-costume-student-jenny-kan-on-designing-for-the-national-gallerys-lorenzo-lotto-exhibition
Costume Designer & Maker: Jenny Kan, Giulia Gallon
Actor:Nia Powell 
Photographer: Laura
Lorenzo Lotto

Lorenzo Lotto
