Vidula Sureka's profile

My Little Red Dairy

My Little red dairy
Utility, Space and Texture

This is a Pen & Ink experiment with patterns and textures that are created by leather, cloth and oils in fluids.

Seasons, Time, Age, Maturity & Death

The light rings are the wood that grew in spring and summer, the dark rings are wood that grew in the fall.  The tree trunk represents time, the circles can be counted to calculate the age, the density of the wood shows it's maturity.  Our lives are also sewn through patterns of happy times and difficult ones, the light and the dark.  In many ways, the tree trunk to me is a mirror of my life as well as that of everyone around me.

The fact that the tree has been cut, symbolises it's death,  it's becoming "stationary" or unchanging in time.  Wood is often used to make "stationery" that we variously use, including in making paintings.

This Pen & Ink is an experiment in Line density and Volume.

A caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly, thus representing the beautiful experiences of it's life.  The bee changes the sweetness and beauty of the flowers that we see and smell, into sweet honey that we then consume, representing the all encompassing beauty of nature.

This is a Pen & Ink experiment that was etched on metal.

Nefelibat in Portugese loosely translates to  "Head in the clouds".  The quote used in this Pen & Ink is by Noor Unnahar who is a famous and brave blogger from Pakistan.

Travel is usually associated with holidays, excitement, nature, relaxation, change of attitude, etc.  This page is all that and more.  It is a memory of a start to a beautiful vacation.  The collage is from a travel magazine that I picked up during the train journey.  Fernweh means Wanderlust in German.  The collage is also a memory of my failed attempt to learn German but brings an uncharacteristic excitement to my Pen & Ink Diary.

Finding yourself can be difficult but once we do, we start getting 'comfortable' with ourselves and life feels like a garden of flowers there are always new flowers growing and something new to discover. What is 'normal' then?
My Little Red Dairy

My Little Red Dairy

Some work done in my art journal. Inspiration taking from my sketch dairies.
