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The War of the Worlds Book Cover Design

War of the Worlds Book Cover Design
While attending the New York Institute of Art and Design’s graphic design course a myriad of projects were assigned. One of the first projects that was assigned was a book cover design. 1984 was the first book that came to mind, due to the immense amount of imagery in the book. Quotes such as 
“Always eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or bed- no escape,” inspired this idea of being watched. Once getting into the design, the inspiration slowly switched. Though I initially leaned towards 1984, however once finished it spoke more to War of the Worlds by H.G Wells. War of the Worlds is a novel which details Earth when attacked by intruders from Mars. The book cover offers a dystopian feel which can speak to either book however War of the Worlds took the cake giving imagery to the invaders attacking Earth. 

The project needed to meet certain requirements. Those requirements were ensuring the project was in a vector format, achieve 1 or more elements and principles, use at least three different hues, use at least three values of each hue, use at least one stroke, use at least one fill, and use a shape tool. 
The project was completed in Adobe illustrator and received a grade of an A+.
The War of the Worlds Book Cover Design

The War of the Worlds Book Cover Design


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