Aree Hc's profile


"Danger of New Spain due to the invasion of Veracruz"
This work aims to put into practice everything learned regarding the subject of Paleography and Diplomatics, all this reading, analyzing, investigating and transcribing an old document.

This document was chosen to analyze it due to the clash of several peculiar factors, such as the invasion of corsairs to the port of Veracruz, carried out by the pirate Laurens Cornelis Boudewijn Graaf, nicknamed the Lorencillo, who razed the port taking with him treasures and people as merchandise; the Viceroy who was in charge, the Bishop of Puebla who wrote the letter, and who curiously investigating both came to maintain relations with Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz herself.
The office deals with the letter that the Bishop of Puebla sends to the viceroy the news, the warning, the consequences and the risk of the invasion of the port of Veracruz carried out by privateers, as well as the suggestions he makes.On May 17, 1683 it is remembered for one of the saddest episodes of the City of Veracruz. On that occasion the pirate Laurent de Graff, known as Lorencillo, besieges the port and with 15 ships manages to seize the city thanks to the little vigilance that New Spain had in the port.They were unfortunate days where looting, rapes and murders were everyday things.As a result of these events, a fortified wall would be created by several bulwarks among which were the Santiago Bastion, (until today its construction is the only one that remains standing). Currently the other bastions and the wall no longer exist.

The text of the letter was understood and I investigate everything related to it, which we are glad we chose to find out about these little-mentioned events usually.



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