Acrylic, Poster, Oil Pastel on Canvas
Geisha are traditional Japanese female entertainers that are skilled in various traditional Japanese performing arts. They play an essential part in the Japanese culture as they are professionals in traditional arts. However, not many are willing to become geisha nowadays and the traditional arts that geisha specialized in are gradually becoming history. As shown in the painting, the geisha gradually transforms into a wave and as we all know, waves splash on shores and become foam. This shows the traditions are being swallowed by developments and westernization in Japan.
Portrait of a Geisha
Acrylic and Poster on Woodboard
This is an extended painting of the geisha in "Metamorphosis". The geisha here is painted in a rather abstract way as I explored Francis Bacon's works at that time and decided to incorporate his painting style into mine. The material used is to convey a sense of beauty and rich cultural aspects is being put on to useless cardboard, and that some culture values are being forgotten and discarded. In addition, the cardboard was being painted on and sabotaged. Normally people would discard it but with a beautiful geisha painted on, it makes the cardboard worthy. Beauty does not necessarily have to be found in glamorous materials.


Explore disappearing culture elements through merging different media
