Sound as an informational source is described in terms of auditory attributes, such as timbre, tone, pitch, duration, loudness. These characteristics are analyzed and give relevance to the delivery of musical meaning. But sound is not only about deduced meaning. It is about physical energy shared. Sound as a vibrational force links humans bodies and matter at a material level, via physical resonation. Human beings perceive sound, either when it is heard by entering the ear canal or when corporeally experienced. It is on and in our body that acoustic waves become discernible. 
Phase In, Phase Out is the result of an art-based study on the crossmodal, employing sound, textile and space as one unified medium. By augmenting textile into a multi channel electroacoustic transducer, EJTECH explores the “alogogenic” properties of sound via the unique timbre of textile, through sound pieces or “electronic poems” specifically written for, and performed on a purely textile-sound system. Patterns of high, mid and low range frequency tones sweep across the textile pieces, creating sound and resonating in the physical space. Phase In, Phase Out deals with the audio-physical experience of space and matter which are determined in form and content by controlled movements of the textile. The raw manifestation of sound, and its vibrational force amount to a polysensorial experience and an exercise in liminality. 

Phase In, Phase Out

Phase In, Phase Out

PhD masterwork at Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Budapest, Hungary. Exhibited at Horizont Gallery.
