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King Lear Play Poster ART 130

This was a project in the Intro to Graphic Design class when I was a freshman. Our project was to create three posters for the same play. These were pretty larger posters so the type might seem pretty small. The first poster we were only allowed to use type (middle). I decided to use purple to signify royalty and red to signify and death and drama in the play. The text has shadows going down that creates a sword shape. The second poster needed to use something physical to create it.(left) Some people used photography, others used painting. I used a plate to create makeshift printmaking by using a simple pencil to make grooves into the plate. After creating a print, I edited it in Photoshop to add the gradient. For the third poster, we were given a famous designer to try and copy their style. I was given Alexey Brodovitch, who was famous for doing the covers of Harper's Bazaar. He used a lot of photography, effects, and layering. I used the fashion influence from Harper's Bazaar to symbolize the three daughters in King Lear. 

Overall, I was happy with this project. As I've grown as a designer, there are some things I would change now. I may go back and tweak some things and post some updates. Stay tuned!

King Lear Play Poster ART 130

King Lear Play Poster ART 130

This is a project where we were instructed to create 3 different style posters for the same play.
