Katherine Barker's profile

Scaredy Cat - A Book About Phobias

This was my final major project for first year at college, where I'm studying graphic design, the brief was to create an editorial piece based on a word/ theme. Initially I chose cat idioms however I later expanded that idea and stemmed into phobias due to the phrase 'scaredy cat.' I have tried to maintain a cat theme in order to make it more cute and accessible to everyone whilst also being in my own style.
The book is bound with a ribbon and a cat toy in order to further relate to the cat theme that I have tried to include throughout.
This would have been foil blocked however dude to the type of ink it wouldn't be possible, I used foil and stuck it down to create a mockup effect to show how it would ideally look.
Each circle was cut out with a scalpel by hand, hence the inconsistency, I would have liked to improve this or use a laser cutter if I had more time.
I incorporated tracing paper and acetate throughout my book to make it more interesting and unique. This allowed me to separate the imagery and make it stand out more, as previously there was a severe lack of contrast and hierarchy.
Here's another example of the use of acetate within my book, I wanted to experiement with using different layers to add more dimension as well.
Finally I wanted to make this book somewhat useful as well as just factual, so I used self help methods that I have learnt myself over time and explained how they can help to overcome phobias.
Scaredy Cat - A Book About Phobias

Scaredy Cat - A Book About Phobias

An editorial design book that I have created for my final college project in first year. Based around phobias and cats 'Scaredy Cat' aims to info Read More
