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Zero Waste: NY Department of Sanitation

The NY Department of Sanitation releases an Annual Report each year about the progress and challenges of the Sanitation department, and the goals for the following year. NYC has the ambitious goal of creating a greener, cleaner, plastic free city by 2030.

Project time frame: 1 month

Tools Used: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

Project Background:
NY Department of Sanitation releases an annual report each year.

Project Challenge:
Transforming large bodies of text into something digestible, compelling but still professional.

To create a modern and intelligible annual report for the Department of Sanitation.

Zero Waste: NY Department of Sanitation

Zero Waste: NY Department of Sanitation

The NY Department of Sanitation releases an Annual Report each year about the progress and challenges of the Sanitation department, and the goals Read More
