LaRece Egli's profile

Making History | NN Cannery History Project

Making History in Bristol Bay
NN Cannery History Project

I serve as the Community Curator and designer for this public history endeavor to document the work, people and places of my hometown in Bristol Bay, Alaska. This commemorative exhibit & fundraising campaign was developed to support all aspects our project and engagement goals. 

Both flyers function as table top displays and informational handouts for public events and social media campaigns. The Wooden Cork Commemoration flyer also features a tear away receipt for donors.

The Making History flyer features the best photograph I have ever taken: a stunning portrait of my dear friend and mentor in the art of life and hanging commercial salmon fishing nets, Marcia Dale. Other assets include a bin of old synthetic corks, laser engraved cedar corks and a dead stock bale of fishing web left from the now retired double-ender sailboat fishing days that ended in the 1950's.

I believe in my soul that the launch of #everynameinthebay in 2020 has the potential of heating up the ever-growing multifaceted cultural renaissance now on brew in Bristol Bay to a steady simmer that will continue to support heritage and conservation efforts of the entire region to feed the next generation of salmon people.

This project is a blessing to be part of and my efforts to support it with effective design, branding and vision are intended to demonstrate that those who deliver and preserve the bounty of the last great salmon fishery to dinner plates around the world are worthy of a worldwide commemoration; our work matters.
Making History | NN Cannery History Project