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The Disruption From Within | Experimental Photography

S  C  A  N  O  G  R  A  P  H  Y
With the use of experimental photography, create a series of images that depicts the effect of noise in a person's surrounding.

E X P E R I M E N T A L    P R O C E S S 
Scanning loose items that we found and items of our own procession at various DPI to achieve different effects. Initially, we did not move the items and had static scans. However, by shining lights and moving the items while scanning, we were able to create a disruptive movement that would help give more depth to our final image. 

A series of three images showing the progression of noise and it's effect on an individual.

The Hands That Create It

Sound is something that we cannot touch, I wanted to explore how I could metaphorically show the disruption that sounds may create. Using another sense, touch, to draw a physical sense that we could relate to the noise around us. The hands and fingertips around the hand represent the ambient noise that would be around it. It is left to the individual to decide if these noises complement or disrupt them.
These images show to progression of noise moving from the noise source, the individual, to another individual. Using a disk and earphone to draw a medium for the sound to travel. These noises we hear come from all around us. When we are plugged in, suddenly all the noise around us disappears and the only sounds that matters is the one we are experiencing. The last image in this series, shows an individual plugged in and not necessarily affected by the noise around her. 

To create the three visuals in the series, I used a combination of a few scans. At first, i wanted to create the visual with a single scan but that had it's own issues such as the placement and transparency of the images.


With the use of experimental photography, it has opened up a wider spectrum of mediums we can use to support our ideas and help convey our messages across. Through this learning process of using scanography, I have learned that there are no limits to what you can create and with the help of digital media, it can further help you create the composition you desire. I think the beauty in this is that there is no right or wrong, it is up to the individual to decide.  Personally, I feel that scanography can be applied to most of my future projects, either in the initial stages of ideation or production itself. As this gives you the freedom to create abstract art where each individual can have their own idea of what message they see in the visual created. A useful tool that we can have to help kickstart idea generation.
The Disruption From Within | Experimental Photography


The Disruption From Within | Experimental Photography

Scanography. The noise around us and how we perceive it. Is noise pollution something we can physically feel and see?
