Created an app that allows users to find local small business nearby. The app allows users earn points for all of their purchases, receive prizes and gifts from business, save digital receipts and more. The Nearbuy app also allows users to rate and leave video reviews of a business they visited.
behind the scenes of the photoshoots for the app background and  video advertisement
Find, rate and follow your favorite small business near you.
Create a free account to earn rewards or use the app as a guest. 
Nearbuy's Loyalty program lets you Earn points for every dollar spent when you pay with the Nearbuy app and receive gifts from business owners. The app also allows you to keep track of all your recent visites, favorite places and all of your reviews
The Nearbuy app allows you to leave video reviews of the places you've visited before. This feature helps eliminate fake reviews .
The Nearbuy app Tracks and store all of your receipts digitally when you pay with the app.
Get the latest information on whats going on owners in your community. Find local events and promotions. 
Scan the QR Code located on the front window to get instant access to the businesses Nearbuy App Page.
Nearbuy App video advertisement

