This photo shows unity between the cups and also puts an emphasis on the color of the cups. There is also an emphasis on her facial expression. This image shows a young woman at a party, seemingly bored and not knowing what to do. This image pertains to the overall story because it starts the sequence and it tells the beginning of the story. This image relates directly to what happens in the following images. 
This image shows a deep depth of field. There is also texture shown slightly in the cups. The young woman is surrounded by cups. She grabs the stack of unused cups and takes one off the top. Seemingly deciding to drink. This image shows the start of the path to the young woman drinking, which is the main idea of the story. It also relates to all of the other images. There are also lines shown in the curtains and in the stack of cups.
In this image there is form shown in the bottle of alcohol. There is also an emphasis on the color blue throughout the photo. The young woman is starting to drink. Not very drunk and still bored, she drinks from her cup. This image shows a stepping stone in the process to getting drunk. It is also a continuation of the story so far.
This image shows a shallow depth of field. There is an emphasis on her face while the other person's hand is out of focus. There is also a new color introduced to the story, grey. The woman is drinking more and more. She is getting handed shots from another person at the party. This image pertains to the overall story because it shows the young woman continuing to drink, and interacting with people.  
This image shows unity, now between the shot glasses and still the cups. There is also an emphasis on the woman's facial expression. This image shows the young woman seemingly getting more drunk and still taking shots. This pertains to the overall story because it shows that she hasn't stopped drinking and is shown looking more drunk.
In this image there is an emphasis on the bottle of alcohol that the woman is drinking from. There is also form shown on the bottle and in the empty shot glasses on the table. This image shows the young woman drinking straight from the bottle now. Probably very drunk by now but still continuing to drink. This image pertains to the overall story because it is showing the young woman drinking more and more. This image explains how the story got to the last image.    
In this image there is now an emphasis the glass on wine. The bold red color of the wine is also shown and the first thing your eyes go to. There is also a deep depth of field and a small motion blur effect on the young woman to try and show the feeling of being dizzy when drunk through this photo. In this image the young woman is clearly drunk, swaying and still drinking; a glass of wine now. She is also holding a new bottle as well. This image pertains to the overall story because it shows the table she's at getting messier and messier with the many props being used to tell the story. You can also see everything she's drank so far in the photo sequence on display and building up in every image.
In this image there is a clear emphasis on all of the cups stacked up in front of the frame. There is also unity shown in all of the blue cups along with clear lines in the rows of cups. The young woman is now drunk and building a pyramid out of the empty cups around her. This image pertains to the overall story because it shows the young woman getting more and more drunk and now doing random "drunk" type things at the party.
In this image there is a shallow depth of field shown in the back of the cups that are flying toward the camera. Those cups are not in focus because they are in motion, shown falling down. The young woman, in this image, is knocking down the pyramid of cups that she built. This image pertains to the overall story because now the young woman has destroyed the pyramid she built. The message in this photo sort of relates to the process of her sitting at the party, bored, before she started drinking, then deciding to drink she becomes messy and eventually, like the cups in the end, falls down.
In this image there is a deep depth of field to show the entire scene of the mess that has been made. The young woman is now passed out. The image shows the end to the overall story and what happened to her since the start of the reportage sequence.  
Friday Night

Friday Night


Creative Fields