Yao-Yu Chung's profile

LIGHTITUDE | Installation

Year / 2018
Type / Installation
Software / Illustrator , Arduino , Rhinoceros
Hardware / Servo motors , Arduino Mega , Light bulb
Skill / Laser cutting
本作品曾榮獲 2018 第十六屆東閔盃 - 創意媒體設計組 第三名 / 評審獎 以及 2019 放視大賞 - 新銳大賞獎
Lightitude,是 light(光)+amplitude(振幅)結合而成的自創字。

Lightitude is a light installation.


Its idea come from the afternoon in my room. 
At that time, the sunshine will go through the window and irradiate the whole space. 
When the subway out of the window passes, 
it will against the sunshine and cause an interesting visual effect on the ground or on the wall. 
l call it "the wave of light and shadow."
This installation is mainly intended to make the same visual effect.


I used laser cutting wood to make the structure. There are 34 blades drove by servo motors on it.
I used the Arduino program to control the speed or the angle of the motor. 
Also, I established the relationship between the motors, and let them run “the schedule of the show". 

Therefore, when the light inside is turned on, 
the rotating blades can project "the wave of light and shadow" in the whole space.
LIGHTITUDE | Installation

LIGHTITUDE | Installation
