Maya Yusof's profile


Golden week trip with friends to Kamakura and Enoshima (not included). 
Always a tricky choice between yam and chocolate croquette.
Apparently was also a filming location for one of my favorite Japanese drama. The only one I could finish, due to my impatient nature. 
There was a wedding procession in the midst of visitors offering their prayers. It didn't feel comfortable to post pictures of the bride and groom. However still a pleasant scene, I felt apologetic to the family for the hundred pairs of eyes watching them.
Prior to leaving for Japan, I looked forward to seeing trees during their transitional period. Especially, Gingko and Maple trees for their distinct leaf shapes. A friend once said to me, she liked trees more than flowers, they stand strong and elegant wherever they are planted, I understood why and how she came to say that, so I only nod, because it was pain who spoke. The seemingly ordinary can be full of surprises too. ​​​​​​​
This was a notable trip because I became friends with someone I admired, a photographer whose work I have been following. Upon agreeing to join this trip, my friend dropped the bomb that she would be coming as well, knowing I'd opt out if she had told me earlier. I was self conscious while taking photos in front of her turns out, it was the same for her too. 
Thank you in advance for visiting!
With Zahra + Aiko

