Savannah Katarina's profile


Marbella Design Academy
For the Final Major Project of my final year at Marbella Design Academy I was able to create my own brief.
Whilst completing my work experience in Bali by myself earlier on in the year, I discovered that being a Solo Traveller has both its pros and its cons. One of the biggest cons that I personally found out how lonely it can become once staying in the same location for a long period of time. I wanted to meet others that were in the same situation as me however being an introvert it is not easy to just approach people who you think may also be Solo Travellers and who are up for connecting.

Therefore my aim was to design an app that travellers can use to connect with others. Although my main target audience was solo travellers and my research began with women only, I think it is important for all individuals to have this app that they feel safe and respected within. I am aware that some people, like myself, would be a bit hesitant about meeting up with the opposite sex and therefore to ensure that everybody is comfortable I will design an app that you can change the settings as to who it is you’re willing to connect with whether that’s male, female, couples or groups.

By using the app users will not only be able to connect with other travellers and resolve the solo travelling issues such as loneliness, safety and expenses but they will also be able to document their own trips and make recommendations to others.
Logos and App Icon
Interactive App Screenshots
Interactive App Mockups
Poster Mockup
Poster Mockup
Website Mockup
Social Media Mockup
Brand Manual Mockup
App Launch Stand Mockup
Recommendation Book Mockup
Recommendation Book Mockup
Merchandise Mockup