Ho Ming Li's profile

ISTD Project 2: Lost

ISTD 2019 Project 2: Lost 
This project is a response to the ISTD 2019 Project 2: Lost and I’m exploring the theme of Amelia Earhart. The reason why I have selected Earhart for my topic is that she is well-known and have a lot of record achievements, first women i.e. solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932. Amelia Earhart became a role model for many women as she promotes equality and women in aviation – Ninety-Nines. Many people have inspired Earhart flight around the world and have attempted to follow the same route that Amelia Earhart navigated as a tribute. My concept for this topic is a book that explains the story and critical moments of how she goes missing. Also, remember the disappearance and the loss of Amelia Earhart. As the first women circumnavigate to globe in 1937 disappear. My intended audience is people who are interested in Amelia Earhart and aviation enthusiasts who is interested in aircrafts history. The format I’ve chosen is the rectangular format because it’s similar to a pilot’s logbook as I want to create a logbook similar to my concept that tells the reader the narrative of Earhart’s flight around the world in 1937. A flight logbook records the information of the flight such as pilot commands, date, time, location, take-off and landing.  

The design
The design is clear and minimalist, I’m inspired by Massimo Vignelli idea of ‘space’ and how white in typography is what space and the surrounding is in architecture as it makes it stand out and allow space to breath. I’ve carefully selected the size of the images and text appropriately as the generally larger size of texts or images show expression. The type of binding I have used is 9-hole saddle stitch binding because Earhart was a member of The Ninety-Nine: an organisation of women pilots. The colour used in this book is mainly 100% black alongside Pantone 3564 C, orange; the highlights of the Lockheed 10 Electra.
ISTD Project 2: Lost

ISTD Project 2: Lost

ISTD Project 2: Lost Amelia Earhart became a role model for many women as she promotes equality and women in aviation – Ninety-Nines. Many peopl Read More
