Erin Mollie's profile


My Infographic Experience

For this assignment I was to brainstorm and determine one object and record in an infographic 100 of that item different ways. I struggled trying to find the perfect item. During the brainstorming process my laptop crashed, and I ended up finally breaking down and purchasing a Mac. Best decision ever. I still could not come up with a topic, in a panic and worn out state I continued to pray and decided to sleep on it. When I awoke, still nothing. Then I closed my new laptop and ding, ding, ding that was it apples.

I searched and searched for any and every kind of information I could gather on apples. 
I ended up basically breaking my infographic into three sections with a bonus section. I chose to use 100 pounds of apples. My first section was my comparison section where I chose to discover how many apples were in 100 pounds which was 300 apples, so then I broke down ideas for those 300 apples.

My second section was where apples come from. I included information on where apples are produced and how they are produced. 

My last section was dedicated to famous apples, and then my bonus was donates to some final fun apple facts.

I can not express how much I loved doing this project, but will not lie there were several challenges.

I had drawn some sketches for the first section and had used Illustrator's graphs (which was so awesome learning how to do that and I loved experimenting). In the process I was concerned since this was my first infographic I was clueless if I was heading in the direction. After viewing my professor's critique, I was besides myself when I discovered he enjoyed my sketches, and felt my whole project should be in that style, my style, ya I know I was pretty stoked.

Like I previously stated I just got this Mac. So that in itself was a learning experience. I love it so much, but things are different, and discovering them has been semi problematic. I did not discover how to double click until I was creating my final mockups. I drew all these images with the mouse pad on my laptop, and filled in with the paintbrush. I know, it was kind of insane, but I learned a ton and am learning more efficient ways and skills so I can continue my quest for creating professional graphics.

This assignment was so awesome to me, which I know sounds cheesy, but it combines my two loves and passions information and art. I also have written children's books, some have even been turned to and performed as plays, how cool would be to illustrate my own books.

Know I worked hard, and learned a ton. There were times when I sort of felt like quitting, but I am so glad I did not quit, because I did this. When I look at my infographic I am impressed with how it turned out, I hope you are too.

Drumroll please...

This was such a wonderful and valuable experience, I feel blessed to have participated in. 

Thanks for taking a peek, I would love to hear your thoughts. Did you know all these apple facts? I confess I didn't.

I confess I had a white background and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread, but I finally decided not to be so stubborn and am so glad I made that choice.

Lastly  I have two more rough draft mockups to share!

I spend a lot of time trying to find the perfect mockup. What are your mockup secrets, any ideas, tips, websites?

As always thanks for stoping by, so glad you did.

Erin Mollie

