Hilse W.'s profile

Grad. Internship: Educational (hospital) nursing game

Educational (hospital) nursing game.
There's a lot to be told about this project, but in short: this was my graduation internship and also particularly my very last exam, before graduating college. The internship was officially at an IT company, but I worked for 1 of their partners: 1 of the most populair college schools in the Netherlands. This college is currently busy trying to modernize their wide variety of educations, especially their (health)care and nursing educations. An educational (hospital) nursing game is a part of this. 

Exam assignment
When I started, the nursing game, started about a year earlier, seemed fine. But after taking a better look, a lot of things were still off. There were a couple of buggs (on programming but also on art part). The map was build in a way that it was not extendable and causing a lot of collider issues.
I pointed the issues out to the 'costumers' (the teacher who had the idea of the game and another teacher) who were quickly to agree. The school hired a developer and set him under my lead, and together we started to fix buggs, re-master graphics and rebuild what was necessary, to create a decent, extendable base game.
My main tasks trough this project were: Modeling new items for future chapters of the game, creating a new UI, redoing textures of existing models, re-making unusable models and thinking about how to make the game-play even more interesting or how to extend it. All my modeling work was done in 3Ds max and I did the texturing in Substance Painter, because it was 1 of my goals to learn more about the program.
New Models:
Wheelchair, renders and an Early-state in-game screenshot.
Walker with an Opacity map to make the basket-likely parts
Curtains, their stick, window frames, glass and the separate walls I made, to replace the All-as-1-object walls.
A hanging sink for the guest toilets
The guest toilet cabine to place along each other + a loose wall to end the line of cabines or make 1 separate cabine.
Ceiling lift + it's sling (for the patient to sit/be carried in)
Screenshot of the rail, that the ceiling lift is using to transport itself
A soap dispenser, working by sensor and a paper towel dispenser.
Hand-painted flowers
Only the purple flower was a model created by a trainee from the previous team, which worked on the game. But, I lowered the intensity of the purple color and made a pink version of it, due to the intense purple feeling very unnatural (I think it might still does), and also doesn't seem to exist in this kind of flower. ​​​​​

The vase has a Substance Texture and it works surprisingly well together, but I couldn't render it yet.
Newly made textures (using Substance Painter)​​​​​​​
Player hands (it's a first-person game afterall)
Patient bed
Patient Sleepwear
Patient side-table
Disinfection dispenser
Office Desk
Office Chair
PC (in-progress) and screen... Keyboard and mouse will keep their old textures.
Storage cupboar + it's drawers
Doff 'n Donner (They are used to store support sockings, though...)
An usable water tap and it's sink.
Usable paper towel dispenser
Waiting room seat + table
Support beam for in the hallways
1 color is a laundry sack and the other trash.

Some screenshots of the state the game was in, when I started.
My design's for the UI
They are also in-game, but the ''Practicum Selectie'' one, isn't fully complete yet.
Grad. Internship: Educational (hospital) nursing game


Grad. Internship: Educational (hospital) nursing game
