I created this stamp set as a school project that illustrated the Gestalt Laws, which are a set of laws based on how are minds naturally group objects. The inspiration for this stamp set was fairy tales.
General stamp for the Gestalt Laws. This stamps depicts a simplified view of all the fairy tale books that are used in the stamp set.
The Law of Similarity states that we tend to group objects together that appear similar to us, whether that be in size, shape, etc. I chose The Goose with the Golden Eggs fairy tale, as the golden egg would stand out as different because it is golden in color instead of white.
The Pied Piper of Hamelin story was used for the Law of Common Fate, which states that humans tend to group objects together when the objects' orientations are the same. As the rats in the story were all following the Pied Piper, their orientations were the same, as were their fates, although then the story takes a much darker turn.
Jack the Giant Killer (the original title of the English tale) was used to represent the Law of Continuation, which states that humans understand lines to flow smoothly without breaking them apart into pieces, even if the pieces are not explicitly connected.
The Adventures of Pinnochio represents the Law of Closure, which states that even if we don't see the entire object at once, we understand the object to still be complete. So even though we only see the marionette strings, we can understand a puppet to be on the other end of it.
The Law of Proximity states that we tend to group objects together if they are close to each other. I chose The Three Little Pigs to illustrate this principle. The viewer can distinguish the three little pigs and the wolf, even though they are only made up of disjointed pieces placed close to each other.
Gestalt Tales

Gestalt Tales

Stamp set inspired by Gestalt Laws and fairy tales.
