The aim of the brief was to find a mundane object and transform it into something interesting. I chose used chewing gum due to the fact that it can be moulded and stretched into any shape possible, as well as being a mundane, if not disgusting object. I was really inspired by Ben Wilson’s artwork, as well as the chewing gum wall in Seattle. 
I also hated stepping or sitting on used gum. This problem had to be solved somehow.
I designed a chewing gum based paint by number. Almost everyone experienced this as a kid, and the fun and nostalgia would bring the gum chewing public to participate. This not only helps keep the streets clean, but creates a work of art that people team up to make together. These would be placed over trash cans or in public areas.
I created the images in an ascii art style with a paint by number function. This is so the participants will have a surefire way to locate where their gum needs to go. 
Snapshots from the time lapsed video.
Stick Together

Stick Together

Social design that helps keep our streets clean.
