The Illustration Of

This work cannot be used without explicit permission ©️2019
Suspiria Tales
~contes de suspiria von t~

is a project itself. It is intended to interpret and to illustrate (sometimes) centuries old folktales, fables and short fiction stories. The moral or ethical consequences (or the lack of those) is up to each individual to pull from these literature. As an illustrator my goal is to evoke senses and emotions in the viewer that would start them on a journey toward the within.
~narrative ~

 As Jim Brand lay in bed, his wife left him with the nurse & went into the next room to rest. She sat in the dark, staring into the night, when suddenly, Mrs. Brand saw headlights coming rapidly up the driveway.

"Ohh no" she thought "I don't want visitors, not now. " But it wasn't a car bringing visitors.... it was an old hearse with small men hanging from the sides, or at least, that's what it looked like. The hearse came to a loud and sudden stop as the men jumped off & stared up at her with their eyes glowing... with a soft yellow light... like cat's eyes.

She watched with horror as they disappeared into the house & an instant later they were back... lifting something into the hearse. Then they drove off at high speed, wheels squealing, the gravel in the driveway flying in all directions... and then, at that very moment the nurse came into the room to say, that Jim Brand had died.
(Literature: folktale, Like cat's eyes)
An introduction project.
This work cannot be used without explicit permission ©️2019
~Fiction/fable writers contact me for collaboration to have your short tales illustrated and promoted~



Event of passing
