Sondre Strømdahl's profile

Lofoten, Norway, late summer

Lofoten, Norway, late summer
Visiting Henningsvær, Lofoten, by boat in late summer, capturing what's left of the once sprawling fishing hub. In the summer, Henningsvær is not home to fishermen but to guest workers and tourists. Gentrification has arrived also, particularly noticeable with the conversion of an old factory into a hotel/event/festival location called Trevarefabrikken. 
The Lofoten archipelago stretching out into the ocean, seen from Henningsvær
Asbesthos and other out-of-fashion materials, with the lack of maintenance vividly visible.
Gentrification in progress: Trevarefabrikken in Henningsvær
Trevarefabrikken hosting a music festival
Lighthouses are important for navigating Lofoten's sometimes shallow waters
Lofoten, Norway, late summer

Lofoten, Norway, late summer

Visiting Henningsvær, Lofoten, by boat in late summer. Observing the remnants of what used to be a sprawling fishing hub, now a magnet for touris Read More
