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Bespoke Suits In Toronto

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A bespoke suit represents the apex of mens fashion. The allure behind building a bespoke suit is founded on the fact that they are known to be the most comfortable suits in the industry. The reason they are so well fit is largely due to the process that has been passed down from an era when al clothing was made by hand. Today they are still handmade, however some of the straight stitching is done by machine.

The quality of a bespoke suit is another notable characteristic of this style of suit. Most bespoke tailors will guarantee their work for life. Most who own a bespoke suit revel in the fact that their suits look just as vibrant after 10 years of service as they did when they first bought them. Bespoke tailors will often offer maintenance and minor repair for the life of the suit.

The comfort of a suit made bespoke is legendary. A horsehair canvas is hand stitched in to the jacket between the fabric and lining. The canvas will help maintain the shape of the suit and prevent rippling in the chest and lapel areas. The options include a full canvas or half canvas. The full canvas extends all the way down to the bottom of the jacket and starts from top of the front shoulders. The half canvas is only in the top half of the jacket. The canvas will conform to the shape of its owner after they wear it a few times and is the sign of a high caliber suit.

Bespoke and made to measure are often confused by those looking to buy a new suit. The main difference, plain and simple is that the patterns for a made to measure suits have already been designed. A bespoke suit is originally designed from ground zero-with absolutely no pre-existing patterns. A made to measure suit can be made for a client by simply submitting measurements. This has been a contributing factor to the explosion of a few retail companies who now offer made to measure suits online. 

Once a suit has been made and you have been in to see a tailor for any adjustments needed, you can order suits online and not even need to be fitted since they will already have your specs. In fact, some retail made to measure companies will ask for a previously made garment from new customers and they will duplicate the garment in the suit you've chosen online.

Bespoke suits are not as conveniently made because the process is extremely detail oriented with four to five fittings to ensure a precise fit and the highest level of comfort. The process takes anywhere from 8-12 weeks and the result is a garment made to last a lifetime.
Bespoke Suits In Toronto

Bespoke Suits In Toronto


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