Charles Whall's profile

Avro Lancaster MKIII, Dambuster

AVRO  LANCASTER Mk.III Type 464 (Provisioning) "DAMBUSTER"
KIT: Tamiya 1:48
This commission build represents the aircraft flown on 'Operation Chastise', the famous Dambuster raids that took place on the night of 16th May 1943.
Nineteen Lancaster bombers took off from RAF Scampton in Lincolnshire. They had three primary targets: the Möhne, Eder and Sorpe dams and two secondary ones, the Lister and the Eneppe dams. Of the nineteen Lancasters that took part in the attacks with 133 crew, eight planes were lost with the loss of 56 men; three of these men survived to become prisoners-of-war. Gibson was awarded the Victoria Cross for bringing round his Lancaster to give covering fire to the Lancasters that were following up his attack on the Möhne Dam. 33 other members of 617 squadron were also decorated.
This build was commissioned by a client who produces digital images of historic aircraft and wartime scenes. The aircraft is depicted in 'flying attitude' with the undercarriage up which proved a little tricky for my photography purposes! My client also requested the famous bouncing bomb (codenamed 'Upkeep') be omitted so he could add it digitally, and only the roundels and fin flashes be applied so as to allow him apply markings of various aircraft.
Scratchbuilt cockpit and bomb aimer compartment details
Resin gun barrels
Photoetched cockpit and gun turret parts
Avro Lancaster MKIII, Dambuster

Avro Lancaster MKIII, Dambuster

1:48 Model
