Amanda Shanks's profile

Art Exhibit Flyer

I was recently invited to exhibit some of my charcoal portraits at a local art gallery. I had considered, for awhile, how fun it would be to exhibit with my dad - who is also an artist - so I asked if he could join the exhibit as well.
Since I'm a graphic designer who loves consistency, I volunteered to design our own event flyer so I could mimic the look of my personal business cards. The artwork labels and our artist statements that will be displayed at the exhibit will also use some of the same fonts and dashed lines seen in this flyer.
The drawings of JFK and Steve Irwin are by my dad, Terry. Walter and Teddy were drawn by me.
Art Exhibit Flyer

Art Exhibit Flyer

A 8.5" x 11" flyer to announce an upcoming reception and exhibit featuring charcoal portraits by my dad and me.
