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Arroio Dilúvio/Diluvio Stream

The Dilúvio Stream is an important milestone in the history of the Porto Alegre city. First of all is due to understand that the Stream was a figuration extreme opposed to the big avenues present in Porto Alegre and both variables of this equation coexisted without crises nor obstacles; today is cited as an “Automobile Monument” thus sharp was the transformation and the claim of the space caused by the improvement of the city and urbanistic growth. Before considered as a pleasant place that held long afternoons of family or friends recreation, or even as a shelter for the groups of afro-descending religion, artists or other groups in the edges of the city, now turned out to be a mere transitional space, where nice memories are daily erased, giving space to various negative critics. And this was the biggest challenge to be defeated in this project: make reborn a positive identification between the Porto-alegrenses in regard to the Stream.
After researches and considerations about the place, a variety of ideas and possibilities that could be applied easily arose, therefore it was decided to create punctual interventions along the 18 km of the Stream. This story will be narrated backward, departing of its mouth, in the Guaíba Lake, where the architectonic party was found in the topography. Having the technical premise in mind - that trees should not be planted in slopes, just in plane areas - the slope turned out to be the perfect place to create a contemplation space, where urban furniture can relate to the lining of the hill and is the first step in the development of new memories about the space.
The art is embraced in this project as an instrument of a past recalling and the importance of the present days; artists of the city - like the Núcleo Urbanoide - were approached with this innovative idea of change, and provided small testimonials about their visions concerning the stream. Artistic manifestations in the graffiti style will be made along the whole surface of the existed canalization today, making the big stream before scorned and now illuminated highlights on the passers-by’s eyes, creating curiosity. The streets that crop the Stream - also understood as bridges - will have their pavement also transformed, but this time, each one of the streets will receive a different art, that will remit to the rich past of the Dilúvio Stream.
Along the Stream, small mounts of earth with vegetation will be seen in the water, sometimes floating, on others in gutters; it is the Wetlands - components present in all of your extension, with water filtration possible by phytoremediation; the effort here is clean the water, in a way that in the future, it can be used in fewer nobles activities.
Continuing the path that leads to its mouth, niches can be found very well enlightened inserted in a maintained riparian forest; here the Porto-Alegrenses can interact, chat, or even recharge their cell phones on the lamp posts supplied by photovoltaic plates; in a near area distinguished gyms are located, where the physical activity feed the posts; both of the areas are created - focusing on the safety - to instigate curiosity and excitement to the people.
The major interesting area of this proposal ended up being extended, almost in an automatic mode, when it was suggested that only one way of the Ipiranga Avenue was converted on a solar energy street way, with double role: one is to make that not just all of the appliances of the Stream could be benefited by the energy generated, but how all of the residents of the city, being the most populated region; and the other one is a manner to remediate the damage caused by the vehicles, making the cars coexist in syntony with the burst of nature object of this proposal, how already happened years ago.
Since your mouth till the point where Ipiranga Avenue and canalized Stream interlace, there is a new bicycle path, this time suitable for both ways, even with a green protection from the traffic of the side avenue; includes little parts called checkpoints, where the cyclists can stop to rest, and the passers-by to delight the view; the lack of illumination is not a problem, since it will be implemented the Starpath method, entering in a welcome cycle where it generates more light when more used it will be.
In the last 6 km of the pathway, where the anthropological limitation is no longer an obstacle, a big area appears like an oasis, containing a playground with sensorial path - whereas there are periodic tours of a small, but notable local school - community plantation - that should connect to the weekend fairs - and the mini trail, in the search of quench the aspirations of the residents honored with the headwater of the Dilúvio Stream.
This project has the pretention to make born the desire of changing the space, to prove it is possible. All of the ideas and propositions here presented are simple, however, endowed with a delicacy and own details, conceived in the user experience. As well as a transformation of a house in a home, from now on, the Stream stops being a marginalized space and turns out to be a notable place of breathing in the middle of the big city of Porto Alegre.
Arroio Dilúvio/Diluvio Stream

Arroio Dilúvio/Diluvio Stream

2° Lugar no Concurso: Às Margens Local: Porto Alegre Ano: 2019
