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OTS(ii) - Film Storyline

Pagan Resurrection Book Story Inspiration
After watching Pyewacket and learning that the Pyewacket is a familiar spirit of a witch reported in 1644 by witch hunter Matthew Hopkins of Manning Tree, Essex.

From there I picked up a book I had bought called Pagan Resurrection - 'Pagan Resurrection puts forward a fascinating and controversial idea - namely that it is the pagan god Odin and not Christ who is the single most important spiritual influence in western civilisation. Far from being just a New Age fad, paganism is fast becoming a major spiritual, intellectual, ecological and political force across the globe.'

Within 5 pages the author Richard Rudgley introduces the reader to Carl Jung a famous psychiatrist, who came up with the idea that on a deeper level everyone can tap into a collective unconscious and this idea that the Pagan God Odin had possessed the Nazi's after waking from a thousand year slumber and led them towards World War 2.
This unbelievable just down right crazy idea is what gave me the story for my film; In World War 2 the notorious Josef Mengele (nicknamed Angel of Death) done various experiments on twins who were sent to Auschwitz the Nazi death camp. One of which he sewed a pair of gypsy children together to create Siamese twins.

My film plot will start with before the Nazis are in power, the very beginning of the group; doctors doing back street experiments at Hitlers orders to see if they could tap into the collective unconscious and enslave the whole world with mind control but they get it wrong and awake the Pagan God Odin, who then possesses them all but mainly works through Hitler to put everything in place for World War Two; the film would end with Hitler declaring war. 

OTS(ii) - Film Storyline

OTS(ii) - Film Storyline
