Natsumi Saito's profile

Art Concept Poster

Art Concept Poster - Caelorum

A2 size Art Concept Presentation Poster created with Adobe InDesign. The poster that visually communicates the concept, idea and the intent of the art project. 

• Use Adobe InDesign
• A2 Landscape (one page) 
• 3mm bleed 
• 20mm margins 
• Ensure all images are 300ppi (suitable for print) 
• Use a grid. 

• Strong and clear hierarchy. 
• A hero image. 
• Project Title 
• The names of the designers. Add your name as the ‘visual communication designer’. 
• Ensure the layout doesn’t overpower the content of the presentation. 
• Project description (text supplied). 
• Create ‘pull out text’ using a sample of the provided text. 
• Select a font and type size that is easy to read when the presentation is viewed on a wall.
Poster Design
1. Main Visual

The main visual includes project title, artist's name, designer's name and a hero image. 
2. Project photos

Photos are collated in a window style layout. A key phrase in the project description is placed in the middle of the window as a pull quote.
3.Project Descriptions

A project photo is effectively placed in between the paragraph so it breaks up the long chunk of texts and gives readers a visual explanation about the project.  
Thanks for visiting!
Art Concept Poster