Dark Horse Abstract Painting. 
Listen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0

The song I selected for this project was Dark Horse by Katy Perry. While I love all kinds of music I wanted to pick something where I could stray away from my signature pastel colors. So I looked a little deep and found Dark Horse. The song references a women asking a man is they are really sure they want to be with them, because they are serious and not going to take anymore crap. I love power song. Songs that really enforce the power within and the strength you have yourself. This song have deep beats and tempting words. Almost challenging the listener to think twice. 

While part of me rushed straight to black, the song lit a feeling strength inside me that couldn’t be represented by black. So I found myself looking at purples, blues, pinks and green. Cool colors that represented and sense of control. This women is in control of what she wants. Wanting to keep with a mystical vibe I kept the art piece mostly in black and deep blue, using the pink as small bursting to break up the sea of darkness. The strong beats make me feel like bursts of energy. Now while I originally drew inspiration from Disney with purple and green, I felt they were very over used. Disney often uses green for villain magic or purple to show magic all together. I wanted something different. So I decided to keep with the prime-ish colors and go with a bright yellow. This added a spark of light to the painting. This song can feel threading but there is a positive message to it too. If things work out the woman promises to be a loyal lover. So adding that yellow really helped show that. 

Lastly I wanted this to feeling like it was coming toward you. She references “coming at ya like a dark horse. ” So I went for a reverse black hole. All of the magic and feeling are coming out of the darkness and center which is yourself. The shattered squares of reference to the fact that if you betray her, she will break you. Or to the complicated mixed feeling she might be having. 

All in all I am very happy with the poster and feel it is a good representation of the song Dark Horse. 
Dark Horse Abstract

Dark Horse Abstract
